
Four Last Things

“In Jesus Christ and through His mystery, beliefs and experiences from this very moment, as though in embryo form, the final realities of the history of salvation.”

They will become clear and perfect in the parousia when Christ comes as judge of the living and the dead to fulfill history and hand over the kingdom to the Father. There will then come the new earth and the new heavens.

The plan of God, to bring all things together in Christ, will be fulfilled, and God will be all things in every person.

“When the date of death arrives, life will not be taken from us but transformed. In a new way, we will approach Jesus, each to receive the reward, according to his or her deeds here on earth.”


Many live as though the earth was their eternal dwelling, as though the call were never to die but to live according to his or her deeds.

Awaken me in body and spirit each day with a desire to meet with You and to hear You speak words of affirmation, assurance, and wisdom over my heart as I prepare to go into my day.